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Reference management tools: Mendeley

Mendeley is a reference manager that doubles as an "academic" social media platform. With Mendeley you'll keep track of both your references and your colleagues and friends.

Create a profile page where you list your fields of interest and your latest publications. You can follow other users you find interesting and get updated on their work.

Get set with Mendeley!

  1. Go to Mendeleys web site and create a free account
  2. Download Mendeley Desktop. The software is compatible with Windows, OSX and Linux. An app is also available on Android and IOS devices.
  3. Open Mendeley Desktop and install Mendeley Cite-O-Matic.
  4. Add Mendeley Web Importer to swiftly save references with your web browser.
  5. Check out your web library, your news feed och Mendeley groups.

Mendeley Cite

Please note that you now can use an add-in with Word as well: Mendeley Cite.