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Guide for Human Rights and International Law: Journals and newspapers

Search journals

Law journal articles

You can find journal articles through ALMA  OR  you can search for articles directly in databases, such as HeinOnline. This is a search for law databases. You can also find the links to a couple prominent law journal databases below.

You can access e-journals and full articles off campus by signing in to Alma with your Åbo Akademi University e-mail address and password. 

If you cannot find an article in Alma...

Search Melinda

  • If the article is available at any other library in Turku, go there and read, copy or scan the article
  • If the article is available at The National Repository Library, order a copy through our interlibrary loan services free of charge

If no option above is available, order a copy of the article through our interlibrary loan services for a fee.
Students writing their master's thesis can order interlibrary loans for free, with this free interlibrary loans certificate (PDF) signed by their supervisor.

Information about Alternative access


Pressreader gives you access to current issues of daily newspapers from all over the world, e.g. The Guardian, The Independent, The Washington Post, and Le Monde.