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Guide for new students

Academill Library

The entrance to Academill from Brandgatan

Åbo Akademi university library's service unit in Vaasa is the Academill Library, which is divided into three departments:

  • Agneta (E3): course books, short loans and journals
  • Övre Torget: humanities, social and health sciences, political science
  • Bokhyllan (E4): education, language and research methodology

You find a map of the library and an overview of the call numbers for the collections at the bottom of this page. 

The collections are available when the building is open. ÅA-affiliated with a HID key also have access to the collections when the key is activated. Staff is present during the service hours, see Alma for current information. Remember to choose the right service unit in the menu! 

Get a library card

You get a digital library card by downloading  the Tuudo app. Go to the library tab and select "I don't have a library card." Fill in your details and a PIN code.  

If you are unable to use a digital library card, you can apply for a physical card using this form. 

Also remember to read the user rules of the library. 

Search Alma

In Alma you find our print and digital material. There you also find information about your loans and can make requests and reservations. You log in to Alma via Haka with your ÅAU username. 

Logging in is required for our licensed e-resources, some are also only available on campus.

Borrow, return and reserve

Use the self-service machines to check out books with your library card and PIN code. There is one self-service machine in the lobby next to Agneta and another one on Övre torget.

The self-service machine in the lobby is also used for returning books, follow the instructions on the screen. There is a drop box for returning books outside the entrance from the alley, but note that loans left there will be registered as returned on the next opening day.

The loan machine outside Agneta

The loan and return machine outside Agneta

The course books are often on loan and it is worth reserving them in Alma. They circulate quickly because there are several copies. Also check the short loan of the course books (due next weekday by 12 p.m.). 

The loan period for printed course books is 2 weeks and for other books 4 weeks. The loan period for e-books varies. 

With the exception of short loans, your loans are automatically renewed for up to 6 months (course books) or 12 months (other books) when the book is not reserved. If the book is reserved or the automatic loan period has expired, you will receive an e-mail. Check that your information is correct! You find information about your loans in Tuudo or in Alma under My Account. 

Overdue fees for course books are 1 /day and for short loans 10 Other books have a late fee of  0.30 /day. Please note that your borrowing rights are suspended when fees amount to 10 € or more.


Request books from Turku (ÅAUL-loan)

You know the book is in Vaasa when it says (Vaasa) Academill in the holdings information in Alma. Items can be requested and sent between our service points in Vaasa and Turku for free. Request an ÅAUL-loan using the ÅAUL-loans request form if you want to borrow a book from the ÅAU library in Turku.

Study in the library

In Agneta, on Övre torget and Bokhyllan there are about 60 seats where you can study. Some of the tables in Agneta can be raised and lowered. On Bokhyllan there are two group study rooms (Gösta and Gertrud), which can be reserved in Peppi (for 2 hours per time).

In Agneta there are also two charging stations for computers or phones. 

Charging station in Agneta

Print, scan and copy

As a student at ÅAU, you get a certain amount of credits each academic year that can be used for printouts. You can buy more credits via the ÅAU webshop  (requires login). Note! The library does not sell credits. 

Printer and scanner machines are found in the lobby outside of Agneta and by the computer classroom G405. In the computer classroom G403 you can use a book scanner, which is more gentle on books than a regular scanner. There are instructions next to the scanner. 

The book scanner in G403

Students with disabilities

For students with dyslexia or other reading disabilities, it is possible to use audio books. It is Celia, the national library for accessible literature and publishing in Finland, that offers services for everyone who has some form of reading disability. Contact the library if this is a service you need and we will tell you more and register you as a customer with Celia. 

You can also get an extended loan period for printed course books if you have a reading disability certificate. You will receive the certificate from your Study Advisor.  

Map of the Academill Library

Call numbers in Agneta

KB Course books
KBN Short loan
ÅA Vasa Diss. Doctoral theses (Vasa)
DICTIONARY Dictionaries

Call numbers in Bokhyllan (E4)

03 Science. Research methods. Information retrieval
03.1 Academic writing. Writing guides
38 Education. Teaching.
38.01 Educational institutions: history
38.02 Educational psychology. Educational sociology.
38.1 Preschool and early childhood education: teaching and didactics
Didactics. Teaching methods.
38.290 E-learning. Media education. ICT: didactics
38.291 Religion, philosophy and psychology: didactics
38.293 Social studies and history: didactics
SERIES Committee report
38.294 Biology, geography and environmental education: didactics
38.295 Mathematics and science: didactics
38.296 Sloyd and home economics: didactics
38.297 Visual arts, music, health education and physical education: didactics
38.298 Language and literature. Drama: didactic
38.299 Language teaching and language learning. Language bath.
38.4 University. Colleges. University and college teaching. University studies. Teacher training.
38.5 School administration. Legislation. Curricula.
38.51 School management. Teacher. Pedagogical leadership.
38.55 Special education
38.6 Adult pedagogy. Adult education. Free educational work.
38.8 Vocational training
87 Linguistics
88 Finsk-Ugric language
89 Indo-European languages. Other languages
89.3 Nordic languages

Else (E410)

SB The school book collection

Call numbers in Övre torget

00 Library. The book industry
07 Communication. Mass communication
1 Philosophy. Logic. Theory of knowledge. Ethics
14 Psychology
14.6 Developmental Psychology
2 Religions. Mythology
3 Social Sciences
30.1 Sociology. Social psychology
32 Political science. Policy
32.1 Political systems. Democracy. Choice
32.3 Gender research
33 Jurisprudence
35 Management
37 Social policy. Social welfare
SERIES Writings published by the Swedish Literature Society in Finland (SLS)
4 Geography. Regional science. Community planning
5 Natural sciences
59 Medicine. Healthcare
59.21 Nursing science. Care work. Nursing staff
59.56 Psychiatry. Mental illnesses. Crisis psychology
6 Technique. Industry. Crafts
65 Handicraft
68 Domestic economy
69 Business economics. Marketing. Leadership
7 Art
77 Performing arts. Film. Rhetoric
78 Music
79 Sports
86 Literary studies
90 Historical research. General cultural history
91 World history
92 History of Finland
99 Personal and family history