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Library services for researchers: Journals and newspapers


Pressreader gives you access to current issues of daily newspapers from all over the world, e.g. The Guardian, The Independent, The Washington Post, and Le Monde.

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  • If the article is available at any other library in Turku, go there and read, copy or scan the article
  • If the article is available at The National Repository Library, order a copy through our interlibrary loan services free of charge

If no option above is available, order a copy of the article through our interlibrary loan services for a fee.
Students writing their master's thesis can order interlibrary loans for free, with this free interlibrary loans certificate (PDF) signed by their supervisor.

Information about Alternative access

Scholarly journals

Scholarly journals help you keep up-to-date with the latest research.
Note that different journals are more influential than others. One way of finding out the academic status of a journal is to look it up in Julkaisufoorumi's publication forum, where journals and other serial publications are ranked on a scale from 1 to 3.

You can also find out how often a journal's articles are cited (their impact factor) in e.g. Journal Citation Reports.