Sök elektroniska tidskrifter direkt i utgivarens databas
Academic Search Complete (Ebsco)Öppnas i nytt fönsterAcademic Search Complete är en av bibliotekets större databaser och täcker som gott som alla ämnesområden. Databasen är både en referens- och fulltextdatabas: Artiklar ur ca 10 000 tidskrifter är tillgängliga i fulltext medan artiklar ur ytterligare ca 10 000 tidskrifter enbart indexeras med referensen och ett abstrakt (sammandrag). Ungefär 90 % av tidskrifterna innehåller referentgranskade artiklar och ca är 25 % open access.
Academic Search Complete covers a variety discplines and is one the library's largest subscribed databases. Recommended for most research projects. Comprises roughly 20 000 indexed and abstracted journals, whereof half are also available as full text. 90 % is peer reviewed; 25 % is open access.
EmeraldÖppnas i nytt fönsterA powerful business research tool. Users have instant access to over 35,000 full text articles from Emerald's international management portfolio, complete with full text archives back to 1994. Subject coverage spans a spectrum of management disciplines including: strategy; leadership; library and information management; marketing and human resource management; plus a substantial number of engineering, applied science and technology titles.
Sage Journals OnlineÖppnas i nytt fönster853 tidskrifter inom affärsverksamhet, humaniora, samhällsvetenskap, naturvetenskap, teknik och medicin.
853 journals in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine.
SpringerLinkÖppnas i nytt fönsterSpringerLink is an integrated full-text database for journals and books published by Springer. SpringerLink currently offers over 1,250 fully peer-reviewed journals and more than 10,000 books online.
Social Sciences Citation Index - Web of ScienceÖppnas i nytt fönsterSocial Sciences Citation Index® indexerar 2474 tidskrifter inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap.
Social Sciences Citation Index®, accessed via Web of Science®, provides researchers, administrators, faculty, and students with quick, powerful access to the bibliographic and citation information they need to find research data, analyze trends, journals and researchers, and share their findings.
Overcome information overload and focus on essential data from 2,474 of the world's leading social sciences journals across 50 disciplines