Course books are located in Agneta, opposite student restaurant Alexander. The service desk is also located in Agneta. Books in education are located on E4 (Bokhyllan), whereas books in social sciences, health sciences, political science and technology are located on Övre torget.
All resources can be found in Alma. For a complete list of call numbers, click here. Please observe that some older, less used material is held in remote stacks and must be requested.
You can search e-resources that ÅAU has access to through the search portal Alma. You get access to the e-resources by logging into Alma with your ÅAU username. You can read more on e-book services in the e-book guide. There are also subject guides with links to subject-specific resources.
Please note that the Biblio e-book site requires login using your library card number and pin code.