Login to Exam: exam.utu.fi
The e-exam rooms are open (for updated information, see login page exam.utu.fi). You need a key card to access the exam rooms - please check the information on key cards on how to get a key card.
E-exam stands for electronic exams. You write your exams on a computer in a room equipped with video surveillance. E-exams offer more flexibility. The e-exam system enables students to write exams in a faster pace and at more flexible times.
You can take e-exams in Åbo and in Vasa.
The e-exam system, as well as the e-exam rooms, are used by students at Åbo Akademi University as well as the University of Turku.
What do you do in order to take an e-exam?
Students from other universities can take an e-exam in an e-exam room in Turku at the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi.
You book your exam via the Exam system of your own institution, using the username of your home institution.
Instructions for students from other Institutions.
ÅAU students can also take e-exams at other institutions, see more information on Exam visits.
Questions? exam@utu.fi
Form for interruped exam
Contact person for e-exams at Åbo Akademi:
Tove Forslund,exam@utu.fi, 02-2154685
Research and Education Services
Support at the faculties:
FHPT - support people in education related inquiries
FSE: Joanna Anckar och Tuija-Liisa Pohja
FNT: fnt-studyadvisor@abo.fi
FPV: fpv-studieradgivare@abo.fi
1. The Åbo Akademi University examination and assessment instruction is being followed in e-exam.
2. The student consents to audio and video surveillance, to the combining of information of the examinations systems in order to confirm identity, and to being registered when entering the e-exam room.
3. In e-exam the Regulations concerning the use of the computing resources of Åbo Akademi are applicabled.
4. Register for data protection/Exam systeem [pdf] and register for video surveillance in Åbo [pdf] and register for video surveillance in Vasa [pdf] are created following the §10 in The Personal Data Act (22.4.1999/523)