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Biografiskt lexikon för FinlandÖppnas i nytt fönsterBLF – Biografiskt lexikon för Finland
är ett uppslagsverk på svenska om personer med anknytning till Finlands historia och nutid. Verket omfattar mer än 1 600 biografiska artiklar om personer från korstågstiden till vår egen tid, skrivna av landets främsta specialister och historiker. Utgivningsarbetet har ägt rum vid Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland.
Cambridge Histories OnlineComplete Cambridge Histories Online innehåller bl.a. uppslagsverk om engelska språkets historia.
Dictionary of Irish BiographyThe Dictionary of Irish Biography, a collaborative project between Cambridge University Press and the Royal Irish Academy, is the most comprehensive and authoritative biographical dictionary yet published for Ireland. It contains over 9,000 signed biographical articles which describe and assess the careers of subjects in all fields of endeavour, including politics, law, religion, literature, journalism, architecture, painting, music, the stage, science, medicine, engineering, entertainment and sport.
Statistiska årsböckerÖppnas i nytt fönsterStatistikcentralens lista över statistiska årsböcker från hela världen.
Statistical yearbooks from the whole world compiled by Statistics Finland
Uppslagsverket FinlandÖppnas i nytt fönsterSamlad information och bearbetad kunskap på svenska om Finland.
Vanhat tilastojulkaisutÖppnas i nytt fönsterHistorisk statistik från Statistikcentralen. Val, Befolkning och Statistisk årsbok ingår.
Bibel 2000 online, bibeln.seBibel 2000 online, publicerad av Svenska Bibelsällskapet. Bibel 2000 är den tredje officiella översättningen av Bibeln till svenska (den första kom 1541 och den andra 1917).
Bibeln eller den heliga skriftProjekt Runeberg
- 1917 års översättning, den ursprungliga elektroniska textutgåvan (1996)
- 1917 års översättning, Evangeliska Fosterlandsstiftelsens utgåva (1927), digital faksimilutgåva (2005)
- Nya Testamentet. Ny översättning med förklarande anmärkningar av P. Waldenström (1886), fjärde upplagan (1921), digital faksimilutgåva (2005)
Bible from Ethiopia via British LibraryEthiopic Bible Selections
This lavishly illustrated 17th-century manuscript contains the first eight books of the Old Testament (the Octateuch), the four Gospels, and several canons of church councils. It is written in a small elegant script with decorative borders and devices and has many lively illustrations in bold colours.
The Ethiopian church was one of five Oriental Orthodox churches which rejected the council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D., thus forming a separate tradition from the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. At the time this manuscript was produced, Ethiopia was undergoing a religious and artistic revival. The volume is a faithful copy of a 15th-century manuscript, and was probably commissioned by Emperor Iyasu (ruled 1682-1706). Historical notes in the manuscript suggest it was copied for the church of Debra Berhan Selassie, which remains one of Ethiopia's most well-known churches. The manuscript is part of the Magdala Collection, which was given to the British Museum library [now the British Library] by the Secretary of State for India in 1868. The collection had been assembled by the Ethiopian Emperor Tewodros [King Theodore] in the fortress of Magdala, which fell into British hands following a battle against Theodore in 1867. The volume retains its original binding of stamped leather-covered wood, lined with silk cloth. British Library Or. 481.
BibleGateway.comA searchable online Bible in over 100 versions. Search the Bible in English, German, Swedish, Latin, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Tagalog, Norwegian...
Bible translations via BiblicaBiblica is the international publisher and translator of the worlds most popular Bibles including the NIV Bible and the Spanish NVI Bible.
Codex Gigas (Djävulsbibeln)Codex Gigas, eller Djävulsbibeln i Kungliga biblioteket i Stockholm är berömd av två anledningar: Den lär vara den största bevarade europeiska handskriften (Codex Gigas betyder »jättebok«) och den innehåller ett stort helsidesporträtt av Djävulen.
Codex SinaiticusCodex Sinaiticus is one of the most important books in the world. Handwritten well over 1600 years ago, the manuscript contains the Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament. Its heavily corrected text is of outstanding importance for the history of the Bible and the manuscript – the oldest substantial book to survive Antiquity – is of supreme importance for the history of the book.
The Codex Sinaiticus Project is an international collaboration to reunite the entire manuscript in digital form and make it accessible to a global audience for the first time. Drawing on the expertise of leading scholars, conservators and curators, the Project gives everyone the opportunity to connect directly with this famous manuscript.
Common English BibleIt’s easier to read and understand. For many, reading the Bible and then truly grasping what it means can be a challenge. Yet the Bible is meant for everyone. The Common English Bible is a new translation of the Bible in a language that readers naturally speak and communicate—a common language.
Die-Bibel.deLuther Bibel 1984; Gute Nachricht Bibel; BasisBibel; Menge-Bibel; Einheitsübersetzung; Zürcher Bibel; Neue Genfer Übersetzung (NGÜ); Schlachter Bibel; Englische Bibel (KJV)
•die klassische Luther-Übersetzung, die jeder im Ohr hat
•die moderne Gute Nachricht Bibel, die man sofort versteht
•die philologisch genaue Menge-Bibel, die besonders nah an den hebräischen und griechischen Grundtexten übersetzt ist
•die solide Einheitsübersetzung, die die offizielle deutsche Bibelübersetzung der katholischen Kirche ist
•die Zürcher Bibel (2007), die dem modernen Stilempfinden entspricht und zugleich die »Fremdheit« der biblischen Texte zur Geltung bringt
•die Neue Genfer Übersetzung (NGÜ), die gute Verständlichkeit mit Nähe zum Wortlaut der Grundtexte verbindet
•die Schlachter-Bibel 2000, die den Grundtext sinngemäß genau und in prägnantem Deutsch wiedergibt
•die englische King James Version, die auf eine lange Tradition zurückblickt und auch heute im englischen Sprachraum noch vielfach genutzt wird
FribibelFrån webbplatsen: Sedan arbetet med Fribibel startade har vi flera gånger mött frågan varför Fribibel egentligen behövs. Det finns flera andra goda moderna översättningar till svenska – de vanligaste är Bibelkommissionens ”Bibel 2000″ (vars Copyright idag förvaltas av Svenska Bibelsällskapet) och Svenska Folkbibeln. Och orsaken till att Fribibel behövs är inte att skapa en ny alternativ översättning, per definition, utan för att det behövs en Fri översättning till Svenska.
Lisbon Hebrew BibleThe Lisbon Bible is the most accomplished dated codex (that is, a manuscript in book form rather than a scroll) of the Portuguese school of medieval Hebrew illumination. Its three volumes comprise all 24 books of the Hebrew Bible. Volume One contains the Torah, or the Five Books of Moses, also known as the Pentateuch. The second and third volumes contain the Prophets and the Hagiographa (Writings or Holy Writings) respectively. Added to the manuscript are lists of the Commandments in the Torah, as well as masoretic material, which give information on the correct spelling, reading and pronunciation of the biblical text. Samuel ben Samuel Ibn Musa, known as Samuel the Scribe, copied the biblical text in an elegant square script for the manuscript's patron Yosef ben Yehudah al-Hakim. The sumptuous decorations were created by a team of skilled artists. Completed in 1482, the Lisbon Bible is a testimony to the rich cultural life the Portuguese Jews experienced prior to the expulsion and forced conversions of December 1496.
British Museum (now the British Library) bought the manuscript in 1882. The present binding was crafted in 1954 and replaced the 16th century leather covers. Since Hebrew is written from right to left, the openings in the manuscript follow the same orientation. British Library Or. MS 2626.
Official King James Bible onlineWelcome to the King James Bible Online, including the 1769 Oxford 'Authorized edition' of the King James Bible and the original 1611 King James Bible. Try Bible trivia quizzes at the end of each chapter, view commentaries, or interact by leaving Bible comments. View Bible Trivia Questions, Read the Bible in 2011, or Add the Bible to your website!
RaamattuSuomennokset vuodelta 1992 ja VT 1933, UT 1938
Silverbibeln - Codex argenteusSilverbibeln, Codex argenteus - egentligen "Silverboken" - är Sveriges dyrbaraste bokskatt och en av världens mest berömda handskrifter. Den skrevs i Italien i början av 500-talet.
Silverbibeln är trots namnet ingen fullständig bibel, utan en nedteckning av de fyra evangelierna, ett evangeliarium, på gotiskt språk. Översättningen från grekiska till gotiska gjordes på 300-talet av den gotiske biskopen Wulfila, som också konstruerade det gotiska alfabetet.
Silverbibeln är förmodligen skriven i Ravenna under östgoternas härskartid, och möjligen just för deras kung Theoderik den store, i början av 500-talet. Den är skriven på tunt purpurfärgat pergament av mycket hög kvalitet med guld- och silverbläck. Silverskriften dominerar och har också givit upphov till benämningen "silverboken", "codex argenteus".
Den skrevs som en praktbok, vilket kan vara svårt att genast inse idag. Förmodligen var den ursprungligen inbunden i ett praktband som var prytt med pärlor och ädelstenar. Silverbibelns text är ett av de äldsta och mest omfattande av alla idag bevarade dokument på gotiskt språk.
Svenska FolkbibelnStiftelsen Svenska Folkbibeln, en ideell organisation utan vinstintresse, har som mål att göra Bibeln - Guds ord - tillgänglig på modern svenska genom en tillförlitlig och grundtexttrogen översättning. (från webbplatsen)
Webbresurser och forskningsrelaterade länkar
A. T. Memorial Library Libguide to Documents of the Second Vatican CouncilThis LibGuide will provide an introduction to a variety of resources available for the seminarians in the Documents of the Second Vatican Council course (DO 959). With a specific focus on the four major constitutions, this guide will also include additional primary sources, reference works, histories of the Council, links to the OPAL library catalog for books, and resources for locating journal articles that focus Council.
Bible Odyssey : people, places and passagesPublisher: Society of Biblical Literature
Explore the fascinating origins of the Bible and its eventful history. On Bible Odyssey, the world’s leading scholars share the latest historical and literary research on key people, places, and passages of the Bible.
Church history timeline (by McKinney)The timeline is created and owned and maintained by Clay McKinney. It was originally created as a project for a church history class at Covenant Presbyterian Seminary, the seminary for the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The intention of McKinney is to provide a resource for the whole Church. The timeline is intended as an overview, to give "the big picture" of some of the major events in the church in the last couple of millennia.
Den heliga Birgittas himmelska uppenbarelserÅr 2003 firades 700-årsjubileet av den heliga Birgittas födelse. Lagom till detta jubileum blev det stora arbetet med att ge ut hennes texter på latin i moderna textkritiska utgåvor färdigt i och med att bok 8 av Uppenbarelserna (Reuelaciones) utkom. Texterna finns här i PDF-form.
Göttingen Academy Digital LibraryInnehåll bl.a.: Document server *res doctae* which aims to collect scientific documents, to make them freely accessible online for research and educational purposes and to safeguard their longterm archival as well as permanent detectability and quotability using standard search tools.
H-Judaic Jewish Studies Network (JSN)Från webbsidan: "Welcome to JSN, an affiliate of Hebrew College and Shamash. Our H-Judaic network has been a member of H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences Online since 1993. JSN is one of the oldest Internet projects in the humanities, initially operating as Judaica/He'Asif, starting in February 1989, operating out of Jerusalem using mailing list services at Tel Aviv U. From 1991-93 the network was at the University of Minnesota.
With 3,000 subscribers worldwide, JSN is the premier digital source concerning Judaica and the academic study and discussion of Judaism ancient, mediaeval, and modern. All services of JSN are provided free of charge.
History of the Orthodox ChurchThe Eastern Orthodox Church split from the Roman Catholic Church in 1054, and this website of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America tells the history of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
International Association for the Study of Religion and GenderThe International Association for the study of Religion and Gender aims to connect, bring together, and support scholars working in this field and to foster the development of this interdisciplinary field of study.
It operates as a network and a platform of exchange and collaboration in research, and organizes support, training and coaching in particular for young scholars in this field.
Internet Sacred Text ArchiveFrom the website: "Welcome to the largest freely available archive of online books about religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric on the Internet. The site is dedicated to religious tolerance and scholarship, and has the largest readership of any similar site on the web."
Kyrkans forskning och utbildningKyrkans forskningsverksamhet fortsätter inom enheten för Kyrkans forskning och utbildning. Vi bedriver forskning kring kyrka och religiöst liv samt strömningarna i samhället.
Nag Hammadi LibraryThe Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient codices containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945. This immensely important discovery includes a large number of primary "Gnostic Gospels" -- texts once thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define "orthodoxy" -- scriptures such as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Truth.... All the texts discovered at Nag Hammadi are available in the Gnostic Society Library; they are indexed here in alphabetical order, and by their location in the original codices. A subject categorized list of the writings is also given, below. You may search the entire collection of texts for keywords or phrases using the search form.
Noncanonical LiteratureThis website from the Wesley Center contains full text and commentary on apocryphal and pseudepigraphal literature.
ORION Center for the Study of the Dead Sea ScrollsThe Center aims to stimulate and foster research on the Scrolls, particularly the great task of integrating the new information gained from the Scrolls into the body of knowledge about Jewish history and religion in the Second Temple period. Such integration will affect areas like biblical studies, Jewish literature and thought of the Second Temple Period, earliest Christianity and the New Testament, the study of early rabbinic Judaism, and more.
Polonsky Foundation Digitization ProjectThe Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford and the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Vatican Library) have joined efforts in a landmark digitization project with the aim of opening up their repositories of ancient texts. Over the course of the next four years, 1.5 million pages from their remarkable collections will be made freely available online to researchers and to the general public.
Religious Studies Web GuideThis web site, in existence since 1995, focuses on free internet resources of use to researchers involved in the academic study of religion.
Societas EthicaSOCIETAS ETHICA has more than 270 members from approximately 35 countries, including both moral theologians and moral philosophers. While in the beginning the character of the society was shaped by the dialogue between catholic and protestant moral theologians, nowadays moral philosophy is equally significant.
SOCIETAS ETHICA sees itself as a platform for the exchange of scholarly work, ideas and experiences stemming from different philosophical and theological traditions. är en webbtjänst som Helsingfors universitet, Åbo Akademi och Itä-Suomen yliopisto bjuder på. Tjänsten presenterar finländsk universitetsteologi med temanummer som växlar tre gånger om året. Länkar, artiklar, information om färska pro gradun, doktorsavhandlingar med mycket mera. Till den här tjänsten kan du anmäla även din egen gradu, som du lyckats bra med. Taivaallisen hyvää tutkimusta - toppforskning mellan himmel och jord!
Teologiska fakulteten vid Helsingfors universitetTeologiska fakulteten utbildar experter på religioner, världsåskådningar och värderingar. Vårt uppdrag är att bedriva högklassig akademisk forskning och undervisning i historiska, begreppsliga och kulturella frågor som gäller religion och teologi. Våra tematiska forsknings- och undervisningsområden är historisk teologi, global religion samt religion och samhälle.
The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM)The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM), under the umbrella of The Center for the Research of Early Christian Documents (CRECD), exists for the following purposes: To make digital photographs of extant Greek New Testament manuscripts so that such images can be preserved, duplicated without deterioration, and accessed by scholars doing textual research.
To utilize developing technologies (OCR, MSI, etc.) to read these manuscripts and create exhaustive collations.
To analyze individual scribal habits in order to better predict scribal tendencies in any given textual problem.
To publish on various facets of New Testament textual criticism
To develop electronic tools for the examination and analysis of New Testament manuscripts.
The Digital Dead Sea ScrollsThe Israel Museum welcomes you to the Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Project, allowing users to examine and explore these most ancient manuscripts from Second Temple times at a level of detail never before possible. Developed in partnership with Google, the new website gives users access to searchable, fast-loading, high-resolution images of the scrolls, as well as short explanatory videos and background information on the texts and their history. The Dead Sea Scrolls, which include the oldest known biblical manuscripts in existence, offer critical insight into Jewish society in the Land of Israel during the Second Temple Period, the time of the birth of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. Five complete scrolls from the Israel Museum have been digitized for the project at this stage and are now accessible online.
Uskonnot SuomessaKirkon tutkimuskeskuksen yhdessä Uusien uskonnollisten liikkeiden tutkijaverkosto USVA ry:n kanssa toteuttama hanke, jonka tarkoituksena on kerätä ja ylläpitää tietokantaa Suomessa toimivista ja toimineista uskonnollisista yhteisöistä.
Virtual Religion IndexLists of links organized by subject. Includes religions, denominations and related areas.
World Council of ChurchesThe WCC brings together 349 churches, denominations and church fellowships in more than 110 countries and territories throughout the world.