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eGraduEng: Supervisor

The end of the supervision process - the beginning of the evaluation process

If the thesis includes confidential information

Before the supervision process ends

Check that the students have gone through the language response process and that they have checked that their theses fulfil the requirement for accessible web publications.

The supervision process ends

The supervisor makes a final review of the manuscript and gives permission for it to be submitted for assessment. A thesis is regarded as submitted for assessment and the supervision process ends when the student has submitted the thesis for plagiarism control.
Simultaneously, the student shall fill out the form for electronic publication of the thesis.

With the Dean’s permission, a student can start the evaluation process also without permission from the supervisor, and in that case the supervisor does not participate in the examination process.

The process continues as follows - the role of the supervisor is of great importance:

  1. The supervisor informs the student about the initiation of the examination process (see TEMPLATE FOR INFORMATION1)
  2. The student submits his/her thesis for plagiarism checks and fills out the form for electronic publication of the thesis 
  3. The supervisor examines the results of the analysis report of the plagiarism check
  4. The supervisor informs the student of successful plagiarism checks and forwards the thesis to thesis evaluation (see TEMPLATE FOR INFORMATION2)

Ouriginal no longer in use from 1 January, 2025

Turnitin replaces Ouriginal as our software for plagiarism detection. NB! Ouriginal is no longer in use from 1 January, 2025 onwards.

Instructions for using Turnitin for plagiarism check

The supervisor makes an assignment in Moodle where the students submit their thesis for evaluation. In the settings for the assignment, activate the Turnitin plugin, click "Index all submissions" and "Allow students to view the similarity report". At Notify graders about submissions, choose Yes, then you will get an e-mail when a student sends in his/her thesis.

Information on using Turnitin for plagiarism detection at ÅAU.
Direct link to user guider for using Turnitin in Moodle (pdf).

Additional information

Questions regarding the thesis process and the plagiarism check: elarande@abo.fi

Questions about the PDF/A format, the form for electronic publishing and the electronic publishing itself: abopub@abo.fi

For questions regarding language response and language checking, contact the Language Centre, sprakcentret-abokansli@abo.fi or

Additional information for students on writing a thesis.

Additional information for staff on supervising theses.