(See instructions for dealing with theses including confidential information)
The supervisor sends the same email to the author, Head of subject (or person appointed by him/her) and the faculty's eGradu address (which reaches the faculty office and Åbo Akademi University Library), after the plagiarism checks are successfully completed.
The following email addresses are used: NB! you only send the email to you own faculty's email address!
This document is used by the subject evaluator and by Åbo Akademi Univerity Library for publication of the thesis (after the thesis is approved).
The email should contain
TEMPLATE FOR EMAIL from the supervisor to the student in which the student is informed of the plagiarism check results and the thesis being sent for subject evaluation
Receiver: The author, Head of subject and your own faculty's eGradu address fhptgradu@abo.fi, fpvgradu@abo.fi, fsegradu@abo.fi OR fntgradu@abo.fi (reaches the faculty office and Åbo Akademi University Library). See above to check which email address goes to which faculty!
Heading: Plagiarism checks for Stacy Student were successful and remaining evaluations can be initiated
I have examined the analysis report for Stacy Student's (student number 12345) Master's thesis and approved the plagiarism checks results.
I attach the version of the Master's Thesis that the student sent for plagiarism check to Turnitin via Moodle.
I will send this email to the author and the faculty office for their information.
The Head of subject will receive the email for appointing two subject evaluators.
The author will receive an email from the faculty office including the Dean's assessment of the thesis. The subject examiners' statements are attached to the decision. The author has the right to request rectification of the assessment. Instructions for making a rectification request are attached to the email.
Finally, the approved thesis is published in Åbo Akademi University's publication archives (to be public according to ES 43 §).
(If the thesis is to be kept confidential, this should also be mentioned in this e-mail!)
The name of the supervisor
Turnitin replaces Ouriginal as our software for plagiarism detection. NB! Ouriginal is no longer in use from 1 January, 2025 onwards.
The supervisor makes an assignment in Moodle where the students submit their thesis for evaluation. In the settings for the assignment, activate the Turnitin plugin, click "Index all submissions" and "Allow students to view the similarity report". At Notify graders about submissions, choose Yes, then you will get an e-mail when a student sends in his/her thesis.
Information on using Turnitin for plagiarism detection at ÅAU.
Direct link to user guider for using Turnitin in Moodle (pdf).