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eGraduEng: Supervisor's tasks in thesis with confidential information

This is what the supervisor should do if the master’s thesis includes confidential information

Check the information about confidentiality that applies to the student.

  1. Discuss with the student how to write the master’s thesis in cases where confidentiality will be needed and remind the student that they should apply for confidentiality from the dean.
  2. When you send a student’s master’s thesis for subject evaluation.
    • Follow these instructions but note the following:
      • Send the master’s thesis including the confidential attachment for subject evaluation i.e. not the version that has been checked for plagiarism, but the version with a confidential attachment that you received from the student by e-mail)  
      • When sending the master’s thesis for subject evaluation, remind the head of the subject that external evluators must sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
  3. Send the master’s thesis for publication:
    • Send the version of the thesis without confidential material to the Åbo Akademi University Library (abopub@abo.fi), which will publish this version, after the master’s thesis has been approved, so that is only available at the Åbo Akademi University Library. (The Library will publish the master’s thesis in its entirety after the confidentiality period has ended, so that is only available at the Åbo Akademi University Library.)

The supervisor should note that he/she is bound by the obligation of professional secrecy regarding confidential master's theses.